Monday, March 24, 2014

CrimeScore: A Local Open Data Safety API

CrimeScore is a new local open data API by YourMapper that gives you a detailed safety grade at your current location.
CrimeScore: A Safety Rating for Your Location
CrimeScore: A Safety Rating for Your Location


CrimeScore rating uses a propriety methodology based on address-level open data crime reports, weighted for type of crime, recency, and proximity, then adjusted by neighboring CrimeScore ratings, and finally statistically standardized across a bell curve based on all the CrimeScores across a city, updated daily.

Coverage Areas

Our nationwide crime rating for your location is available in the following cities, with more being added soon.

  • San Francisco, CA
  • Washington, DC
  • Anchorage, AK
  • Louisville, KY
  • Miami, FL
  • Fort Worth, TX
  • Chicago, IL
  • Seattle, WA
  • Indianapolis, IN
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Richmond, VA
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Atlanta, GA

Coming Soon:

  • Portland, OR
  • Kansas City, MO
  • Lexington, KY
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • …and more

API Access

Directly access the CrimeScore API, with dynamic documentation and in-browser testing on Mashape.
Mashape CrimeScore API
Mashape CrimeScore API
Also, check out our GitHub repository for a server-side example using Mashape, and full code for an interactive online browser map.

Badges and Graphics

We have a variety of badges (download) you can use on your website or app that are color coded to show grades, and only require you to overlay the grade or score that we return for a location.
CrimeScore badge graphics
CrimeScore badge graphics

Pebble App

CrimeScore is a GPS enabled Pebble app that calculates a composite score based on the amount of crime in your immediate area.
Pebble CrimeScore: GPS Safety Rating
Pebble CrimeScore: GPS Safety Rating
We’ve submitted it to Pebble’s online app challenge through ChallengePost.
If you have a moment, head over there and vote or leave a comment!

iPhone App

SafetyCheck is a mobile iphone app that gives you a CrimeScore rating at your current location. The app shows a rating from 1 to 10 of your current safety level, and the number of recent crimes in your area.  It uses the API to keep all the data processing server-side.
SafetyCheck Local iPhone App
SafetyCheck Local iPhone App

Google Glass App has integrated the CrimeScore API into his Washington DC Google Glass transit directions app called Ask Metro.  It lets you know the crime rating of the station you are headed to.
Ask Metro CrimeScore Integration
Ask Metro CrimeScore Integration

Your App?

Get starting adding a CrimeScore rating to your existing services, adding value and information for your new and existing clients.  Or come up with your own app or service based on ideas we haven’t even thought of yet!