Now you can get results without typing in a street address! Select "Center of Map" on the left, then drag and zoom the map to your new location, marked by the "crosshair icon" .
This has been an often requested feature, and allows someone who's not familiar with the city to perform searches. Now you can check out a neighborhood or area of the city just by centering your crosshair over it and updating them map.
Today I've upgraded the Google Map code from Version 1 to Version 2 for all 6 maps, improving a number of key features:
If you use the Satellite or Hybrid views, you can now zoom 2 levels deeper so you can clearly see each and every building. In each popup there is a new "binocular icon" that lets you zoom in all the way.
The maps all work better in Internet Explorer, although the Firefox browser still displays the maps faster.
The Hide/Show feature on the left of the map works quicker and with a greater viewing area.
Popup display issues with the Opera broswer are now fixed.